What is this?
Understanding Penile Enhancement
Non-surgical penis enlargement/male enhancement services are available in the Charlotte/Norman Lake area for men who are unsure of their penis size or want to provide a positive experience for their partners. Using natural growth factor injections along with dermal enhancement fillers, Renew performs a minimally invasive, long lasting procedure designed to improve confidence and performance by allowing you to increase the length and width or 'girth' of your penis without surgery.
Penis enlargement, also known as penile augmentation, is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure designed to provide girth to the penis. A topical numbing cream is administered to completely numb the area before we inject into the penis and glans making the procedure as painless as possible. About 20-30 minutes after completion, men will notice an immediate increase in size, but the final results will not appear until about 1-2 weeks. The initial change is the girth, but some men increase their length as well.
The procedure requires little to no downtime. There may be some side effects which can include discomfort, swelling, bruising and inflammation, but are usually mild and don't last long. In fact, most men are usually able to resume sexual activity after 24 hours. For optimal long-lasting results, some men choose to schedule multiple sessions depending on the extent of enhancement they are looking for.
What is this?
Understanding Erectile Dysfunction
The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment works by harnessing plasma enriched growth factors or PRP from your blood, and re-injecting the growth factors help to rejuvenate the penis and boost its blood flow and retention in order to provide a more full, and strong erection. It is a natural process that the body accepts very well and has been proven to be very impactful.
The secret behind the PRP treatment is the PRP or platelet-rich plasma that is utilized. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment is made within red blood cells and contains growth factors and proteins that facilitate improved healing and blood flow to a particular tissue. This acts by aggregating important chemicals and growth factors where the PRP has accumulated, signaling a need for healing and blood flow.
As in any procedure that uses PRP, the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment begins withdrawing a small amount of blood, about as much as a simple blood test. Using a specialized centrifuge, the stem cells are separated, and growth factors from the red and white blood cells are isolated. This process leaves behind a super-concentrated formula of PRP that contains the necessary active ingredients to promote blood flow to allow you to regain your potential!